A COVID-19 Vaccine is Under Development

Your First Defence Line Against COVID-19 Is Washing Your Hands Properly 

Since the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus many countries and governments around the globe started to take major cautionary measures and steps to ensure that this new disease doesn't create anymore fear or panic between the scared masses who have absolutely no idea how COVID-19 came to life! A big number of countries have been trying their best to handle the infected cases they discovered including China, Italy, UAE, Iran and USA; many officials are still urging the citizens not to panic, keep the distance from others, to stay away from infected people and from public gatherings and all crowded places. As of yet, more infected cases are being discovered in some countries and people are anxiously waiting to see if a vaccine is going to be available anytime soon.
In the past weeks, some Chinese officials announced that scientists are already working on a vaccine for Coronavirus that could be ready for testing in 2020. Usually, creating and producing a vaccine takes up to 12 months to ensure that its side effects are nearly nonexistent; however, since Coronavirus has succeeded in creating an international state of fear and anxiety, the Chinese government is pushing the scientists to create an effective vaccine for COVID-19 that could be utilized sooner than expected for emergency cases and trials. The U.S. government has also taken the first steps to create an effective Coronavirus vaccine but the process is most likely to take more time than anticipated!
Unfortunately, Coronavirus has cost humanity a palpable number of losses - especially from health care workers - around the world. People are continuously advised to maintain the best possible hygienic habits, most importantly washing the hands properly several times a day to avoid any possible infection - and to wear masks in emergency situations.
The U.S. Health Research Institute in Washington has thankfully started to test its first samples of the possible Coronavirus vaccine. Researchers are recruiting people in order to test the efficacy of the newly produced vaccine. On the other hand, other scientists and researchers are currently working on developing a drug that could provide healthy people with some protection against the novel virus in an attempt to prevent infection in the first place. As of yet, there has not been any official confirmation that a vaccine is indeed effective to combat COVID-19 - for either infected or healthy people - successfully. The success in creating / producing a vaccine in 2020 will reportedly be of a great benefit to create future vaccines as well since other Coronaviruses - like the one causing COVID-19 - are predicted to come back to life anytime in the future.


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