Local Newspapers Can't Withstand the Facebook Competition

During this year, and even with the multiple and uncountable accusations and allegations against Facebook that condemn the famous platform for being insecure and accuse it of spying on its users - alongside interfering with some political scenes in some communities, the most widespread social app of all times has still managed to increase its popularity and reach out to more and more users than before.

The Blue App Famous Logo

However, since the launch of Facebook long ago, the social media website has become a main source of news and information for many people around the world which has indeed affected the local press and the production and distribution of multiple local newspapers and magazines; the Facebook platform has, in fact, slowly transformed from being a simple socializing and communicating service to being one of the biggest providers of news and information in many countries.
For instance, the local press in the UK has been suffering since the debut of Facebook back in time; around 240 local newspapers have been terminated and many more decreased their availability for the British audience. As a result of turning the Facebook app into a news provider - that replaces the daily hard-copy of the local newspaper, many employees lost their jobs and many other local press providers are coming to an end; it's estimated that more than 80% of the jobs in local newspapers and magazines have vanished since Facebook made its debut. Facebook has indeed played a huge part in the collapse of the local news industry which has led to two consequences: the first is a great portion of the local news industry ended as the Facebook platform expanded; and the second is a couple of local newspapers and magazines shifted their existence and focus from real-life to creating a social media entity that can be a more close and effective way to reach out to people.

Newspapers are no longer a daily routine 

Nevertheless, officials at the Facebook company stated that the platform is initiating some crucial plans to support the local news industry in many countries - such as the UK; it's reported that Facebook is beginning to take a bigger part in supporting and funding the local newspapers in England as the social app presented about 4.4£ million in order to pay for all the trainees in the local newspapers industry which alludes to the fact that the Facebook company has finally realized the importance of solidifying their credibility and the authenticity of the news published via the social website by associating with the locally trusted news providers and locally regular newspapers and magazines.
Frankly speaking, it's undoubted that the news feed of Facebook is a big resource for daily news but as many people and opponents are increasingly starting to question the authenticity of the blue app and whether or not the platform is deliberately termainting the only source of authentic information - the local news industry - Facebook is consciously opting for several collaborations within the local news scene in the attempt to maintain and reform its status as a credible, digital news provider.

Facebook is an immense contender for the local news industry


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