The Most Important of All Tasks: Washing The Hands In The Right Way
2020 is all about washing your hands properly to avoid the infection |
• COVID-19 Highlights the Importance of Washing the Hands Properly
The unexpected emergence of the latest Coronavirus - COVID-19 - has been strengthening the social fear and anticipation with millions of people around the world waiting and anticipating to see if the number of cases is going to start decreasing - and the curve is flattened - anytime soon. Currently the number of infected people with COVID-19 is starting to simultaneously decrease and increase palpably in different countries.
The massive number of cases is of course taking the news channels and social media websites and apps by storm; in response to the on-going Coronavirus crisis - and with about more than 3 months in quarantine - WHO, health experts and doctors along with many social media users are still highlighting and stressing the importance of washing the hands properly for more than 20 seconds - preferably up to 40 seconds - to avoid the possible infection.
Washing your hands correctly for longer than usual - up to 40 seconds - is now considered to be the no. 1 defense method against COVID-19 - and many other diseases. The sudden outbreak and rapid spread of the Coronavirus has indeed brought the attention back to the vitality of washing your hands in the correct way, multiple times a day, to avoid getting infected with the disease.
Health experts point out that most people are actually neglecting the process of washing their hands - even though COVID-19 persists to exist and end lives til this day - which leads to more COVID-19 cases especially if one comes in contact with an infected person. And even people who buy hand sanitizers might in fact be putting themselves more in danger unconsciously if the sanitizing products contain less than 60% alcohol - consequently having no effect on germs and bacteria! These days it's very important to focus your efforts throughout the day on washing your hands thoroughly without missing some of the most important parts of the hands - wrists, thumbs and fingernails!
Soap and Water Are More Efficient Than Hand Sanitizers |
The internet is now flooded with pictures of before and after washing the hands properly urging people to pay extra attention to this vital process. You must wash your hands several times throughout the day and night especially after using the toilet, before and after eating your food, if you touch probably-contaminated surfaces - elevators, water faucets or door knobs - and if you come in contact with a suspected COVID-19 patient.
When a probably-infected person coughs or sneezes near you, you must know that some droplets of saliva can transfer the disease to you if you end up touching your face - inevitably! And that's why washing the hands and avoiding touching public surfaces is highly recommended these days. Using soap and water - when available - is more important than applying hand sanitizing products; but you should spend nearly 40 seconds of rubbing all parts of your hands focusing on the wrists, palms, thumbs, sides of the fingers, fingertips and under the fingernails. And remember to use - disinfectant - soap and give it time to breach - disrupt - the surface of any possible viruses on your hands before rinsing them with water.
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